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Perfect Chicago Summer Days

I’ve had two in the past week. It’s going to be really hard to leave here; I love this city.

Saturday was amazing. I went to the Keith Urban, Dixie Chicks, and Eagles concert at Soldier Field. I never really thought much of Keith Urban until I saw him live. I'd always liked his stuff, but didn't think he was anything special. After seeing him play the guitar, my opinion has changed. I also didn't think he was that cute before (kind of a pretty boy), but I have revised that opinion as well.

I was beside myself with joy when the Dixie Chicks came on. There was a review of the concert that said the Dixie Chicks stole the show, and I agree. There is so much passion in their music, and when you combine that with their level of technical skill, it is perfection. I think my favorite was when they sang “Goodbye Earl” at the end, although I also really loved seeing Natalie Maines singing about someone telling her to “shut up and sing or (her) life will be over.”

I left the concert when the Eagles came on because really, I just don’t care about them. As I was riding my bike home (in a dress), I passed a group of high school boys. They started yelling things about liking white girls, so I stopped my bike and said, “How old are you boys? Did you know I’m a teacher? You are harassing a teacher. Shame on you!” I was pointing my finger and everything. Half of them looked embarrassed, and half of them said they were talking to someone else.

I headed downtown to meet my dear friend Becky for drinks at the Drake, where she was staying. Becky was one of my favorite people in college and I hadn’t seen her since. She lives in Nashville now, so I was so happy I got to see her before I move. I seriously love that girl.

My second perfect Chicago summer day was yesterday. I had a productive day and got a lot of moving stuff done. Then I met Carla for dinner at Kopi Café, one of my favorite restaurants. Carla and I usually just hang out when we’re with our small group, so it was nice to just have some one-on-one time with her. I gave her and Ryan their baby gift:

I got them the tub and filled it with bath things: washcloths, soap and lotion, a rubber ducky, a hooded towel (that I made) and washcloth puppets (which I also made). I also threw in some Bordeaux’s Butt Paste and some burp cloths that I embellished by sewing ribbons on them. The hooded towel doesn’t look so great, but I think I did all right sewing the other stuff.

I wasn’t ready to go home after dinner, so I texted some people. Pete was at a BBQ, and Ryan was being lame and claimed he was going to bed. (It was 9:15.) But then it occurred to me to call Kestelle, since she lives in my neighborhood and is also a teacher. And I’m so glad I did! We met at Simone’s and had a lovely time. I still wasn’t ready to go to bed when I left Simone’s, so I texted Pete and bothered him. He came over and we watched “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” which is my new favorite show. It just cracks me up. And it was great to hang out with Pete, since I don’t actually see him very often. I love that boy.

Days like those make the thought of moving difficult. I love Chicago, and I already know I don’t like Phoenix. However, that doesn’t make me any less excited about moving. It’s weird, but I’m just so excited to try something different for a while. And it will be great to live in the same city as some of my favorite people in the world. I think that Phoenix will be great for a few years, but it won’t be permanent. The rumor in our district is that my principal is getting promoted to Assistant Superintendent, so I think that if I want to come back in a few years, she’ll hire me. But for now, I can’t wait to get to Phoenix!


Spriggle said…
That was an awesome concert & I LOVE that I got to share it with you:)

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