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Biscayne National Park

Today was park #315- Biscayne National Park! We really didn’t do this park the “right” way, but I’m happy with what we saw. (Over 95% of the Park is underwater, and we didn’t snorkel or scuba dive.)

We just did a nice little excursion to Boca Chita Key and learned some interesting things about the history of the island. Mr. Honewell (of thermostat fame) purchased the island in the late 30’s for the purpose of partying. It was some Great Gatsby-style shenanigans; there was even an elephant on this little island at one point. 

In the mid-40’s, Mrs. Honeywell fell down some steps and died a few days later from her injuries. Mr. Honeywell sold the island, but the party atmosphere has remained to this day. Unfortunately, it’s a little out of control right now with the government shutdown- illegal camping and docking, people trashing the island, etc. Our tour was with a nonprofit called The Biscayne Institute, and they are currently paying to keep the electricity on and the manager is out there every day cleaning the bathrooms. 

I didn’t get a lot of pictures; there’s not much to this island. 

Fun fact: this lighthouse is not functional! Mr. Honeywell built it on the wrong side of the island, so it would actually endanger ships. He wasn’t allowed to shine a light from it!


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