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Showing posts from November, 2005

Where should I go?

I can't take it anymore! This district is driving me crazy! There's no room for creativity. They're so rigid. How can I help these kids when no one wants to try anything new? So I know now that next year, things have to change. Even if they offered me a job here, I won't take it. I sent in my packet for overseas teaching and here are my top choices (not in order): Austria Brazil Cameroon Costa Rica Cyprus Germany Israel Marshall Islands Netherlands Philippines Poland Puerto Rico Spain Right now I REALLY want to go to the Marshall Islands, Cameroon, Puerto Rico, or Cyprus, but that could change. And I might not go anywhere. I signed up for the job fair, but it sounds really competitive. So I'll just pray about it and I know I'll end up where I'm supposed to. But I know for sure that where I am now is not where I'm supposed to be. I'm just going to do what good I can while I'm here. P.S. Funny story from the classroom: The kids were t