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Showing posts from August, 2011

God's sense of humor

After I met my dream man about a month ago, I became discouraged about life. "How on Earth will I ever meet a wilderness firefighter/lumberjack in Naperville?" I lamented. The other day I was looking at my "quiver" on okCupid, and one of my matches was a former National Park Ranger and lumberjack currently living in Naperville. I messaged him to ask if he was going through withdrawl like I was. "I cry myself to sleep every night" was his response. We've been messaging back and forth about hiking for the past few days now. Who knows if anything will come of this (probably nothing, except for some great trail recommendations), but it's almost like God heard me complaining and was like, "BAM! Don't doubt my plan for you!" I love His sense of humor.

Back in Naperville

So. Here I am. Never thought I'd be living at home again. But, I know it's just for a few months. It's going to be really nice to save a little money. And my parents are pretty awesome ("No, relax! I'll clear the table..." "I stocked the fridge with Diet Coke for you..." "Need me to do any laundry for you?") And my dad has a really sweet tv that I'm excited to watch football on. The only problem is my mom's four cats, to which I am horribly allergic. So I feel all itcy and stuffed up all the time. The only safe place is my bedroom. But besides this, being home is okay. The problem is that I am homesick. I guess I should've foreseen this. On the way to my first day of work yesterday, I just kept wondering if I made a horrible mistake in moving back. But I don't think so. I think everything's gone exactly the way it was supposed to. Things just fell into place with moving to Phoenix, and I made so many amazing friends and