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Showing posts from January, 2007

Big Toe

So today I had homework centers, just like every Wednesday. It was one of those rare moments where everything was quiet and everyone was completely focused on their work. All of a sudden Jamal looks up and says, "Miss B., did you know Rachaun's cousin has a big toe that's like, this long?" (He holds his fingers about 6 inches apart.) "She has to wear special shoes," he added. I just about died laughing, but then it was nearly impossible to get everyone back on task. Work is going well. I got my evaluation back today, and it was good. Not as good as I would have liked, but still good. No unsatisfactories, at least. And I got the feeling even before the observations that my principal wasn't going to give me perfect scores, because then it looks like I have nothing to improve on. But I really wanted it to be perfect!!!!!! I need to get over this.

Inconsistency and Serving

So obviously I suck at being consistent with things. I'm not even going to tell anyone I'm doing this again. It just feels good to write sometimes. And it's a great way to procrastinate. But in case anyone did read that last post from last year, I ended up not going anywhere. I got offers, but they were either not from where I wanted to go, or they weren't good offers. I just got back from serving at the women's shelter. I always drag my feet about going, then have an awesome time. Why am I like this? Maybe it's because I only enjoy half of what we do there- I love serving the women, but I don't like the food preparation part of it. Maybe I just need to find a different way to serve. I'm trying hard to follow John Ortberg's advice: "Stop waiting for some prince to come save you. You should be: -Building strong relationships -Finding meaningful work -Serving the poor -Deepening your mind"