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Showing posts from November, 2013

Summit Challenge

1 day, 7 summits, 26 miles. Kristin talked me into signing up for this back in August. I was nervous, but figured I'd train like crazy and then it would be this really great accomplishment. But I found myself avoiding the training and having tons of anxiety. About a month ago, I decided to just not do it, and I felt okay with that decision. It was nice to hike for fun and not because I had to train. I changed my mind again last weekend after Shake Tree. I thought about this quote I saw on Pinterest that said something about a "did not finish" being better than a "did not start." And I thought, "Well, why not just try and see how I do?" Pinterest lies. We started at 6 a.m. I was super slow on the hike up to Dobbins Lookout because it was still dark, and I am awkward and fall down a lot and was trying to avoid that. It was a really cool sight to see all the headlamps bobbing up at down the mountain; it reminded me of that scene in Fantasia wi

Christmas List

My mom has been working on a beautiful quilt for me for months, so I really don't want/expect anything more than that for Christmas. However, I do have a little list of things I've been wanting that I emailed my parents. And it's just funny to see how much my life has changed over the past five years or so. I remember what a big deal it was when Kristin and I did the Black Hole and had to rent wetsuits. Now I actually need one. It is getting to be a hassle to borrow from people! So here is my list: Used wetsuit (I doubt I'm gonna get this because I had to explain to my parents that they could get this from Craigslist, and that was just beyond them.) Used dry suit (Yes, I know that these are several hundred dollars. But a girl can dream.) Google Chrome Cast National Park annual pass Carabiners Montana Guidebooks (Specifically for Glacier National Park and Bob Marshall wilderness) A bear canister Hiking shoes A liner for my sleeping bag (It's only ra

Shake Tree Canyon

The trip begins with a hike up a trail that gains 2,000 feet of elevation in about two miles. Jason insisted on carrying the 400 feet of rope and all his own gear. He is a beast. We brought wetsuits (in my case, a dry suit) because Jason remembered there being a few pools. But I only got wet up to my knees in one pool and managed to avoid the rest. I was still happy to have the dry suit, though; the canyon was chilly and it kept me warm, with the added bonus of making me feel like I was a Ghostbuster. This canyon was SO beautiful. It's only a quarter mile long and has 10 or 11 rappels. I got to be first down on most of them, which is so fun because you have no idea what you're getting into, and then you get to advise and encourage the rest of the people in your group. Perhaps it's the teacher in me that enjoys that. On the second to last rappel, Rachel went flying and slammed into the rock and hurt her elbow pretty bad. I was so impressed with how she handled herself