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Showing posts from November, 2016

Three Canyon

This is not a destination canyon, but it was a perfectly pleasant hike; a lovely place to explore! Brian set a 200 foot rope for our exit at the end of the canyon. This was the only challenging part of the whole hike. (And I would like to add that it was only challenging for me, because I'm a big baby about exposed climbs. Everyone else in my group was fine.) Those pants! We kept laughing at the crease in Brian's pants. He buys pants at the Goodwill for like $3 since he knows they'll just get torn up anyway. But it was just funny to see him hiking in formal slacks! There were two rappels at the beginning of the canyon, and that was it. The rest of the hike was just an easy stroll through a canyon with towering walls. It was peaceful and quiet and we thought we had the whole place to ourselves... Until we got to the exit and saw two guys rappelling in right next to our rope! So funny. They were headed in the opposite direction as us, to