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Showing posts from March, 2007

Sex God: Exporing the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and Spirituality

I thought the title of Rob Bell's new book was weird, too. But it is not all about sex. It is about relationships and how we're all so disconnected from each other and how things should be and how it all relates to God. One of my favorite part is when he talks about how the words "me too" are so meaningful. How it makes things seem so much better when you're upset about something and someone can say that to you. He talks about how if you put a whole bunch of girls together in a room, they will all be best friends within 5 minutes if you bring up the topic of being cheated on and/or having your heart broken. In the same way we have relationships with other people, God has a relationship with us. (There's a whole section in the book that talks about all the biblical references to God being married to his people- it was so interesting!) God has had his heart broken over and over by his people- we've rejected him, cheated on him, etc. And yet he still did so m

Michael Jackson

On Friday, I decided to play Charades with my class. (It related to the book we're reading. If you haven't read The Phantom Tollbooth, you really should.) The kids were the ones to write down the things they'd act out. E. came up to the front of the room for his turn, and he drew Michael Jackson. I figured he would moonwalk or something. Instead, he walks over to another boy's chair, stands behind him, and puts his arms around him and starts pretending to... caress him. The class went nuts. I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face. After the initial guesses that E. was gay, someone actually shouted out, "Michael Jackson!" I love my class. And p.s., I'm not losing my job. It turns out the union president doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Things that suck

I am losing my job. Tomorrow night at the board meeting, the superintendent is recommending that no new teachers be rehired. It is all money and politics. I have been at 4 different school in 3 years. I don't know how I'm going to find another job. I don't even know where to start. Yesterday I had a parent show up and threaten a student. Then he got aggressive with me. Today he showed up and harrassed my student again. There now needs to be an administrator present every time he tries to talk to me. I got the diagnosis for my iPod- defective hard drive. It will cost $160 to fix. The bright side of things- at least it's finally spring.


It was awful. I don't even want to talk about it. But here are a couple of the good parts: T's family dancing to "We Are Family." They threw me the nicest birthday party. Too bad the women I was with decided it was more important to be at Steinmart. So worth the massive bruise on my arm. Notice this guy's grillz. (Is that how you spell it?)