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Showing posts from May, 2007

Which Leading Dame Am I?

Your Score: Barbara Stanwyck You scored 35% grit, 19% wit, 38% flair, and 21% class! You're a tough dame, a bit of a spitfire, and you can even be a little dangerous, but you do it with such flair that almost all is forgiven (and even when it's not, you're still the most interesting woman in the room). You can be witty and charming, all right, but you have a tough streak that keeps you focused and sometimes deadly. You've had quite a climb to get where you are, but you're a hard worker and you mostly deserve all you get...and then some. You might end up destroying everything around you, but you must've got style. Your leading men include Henry Fonda, Fred MacMurray, and when you forget yourself, Gary Cooper. Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test . Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid , home of the The Dating Persona Test Does anyone know what movies Barbara Stanwyck

Perfect Day With My Parents

Today my parents came to visit. When I lived at my old apartment, this was a bad scene. They would get all stressed from the city driving before they even got there and it was just not fun. But today was entirely different. I was so excited that they were coming because my mom had never seen my apartment (I've lived here 5 months), and my dad hadn't seen it since before I moved in. They like it even more than my old place! I think they're crazy, because my old apartment was huge and beautiful, but they say this place feels like a loft, and they love the high ceilings. After they made a big deal out of my place, we went to lunch at Lalo's, one of my favorite restaurants. They thought it was delicious, and the conversation was great. No arguing or negativity at all. And they paid. Then they took me to Home Depot and bought me pretty plants! The orchid looks beautiful in front of my window. I think the plants "really pull the room together." Finally, I took them

To make Erin eat her words...

So u thought I wouldn't ever do this. But I am. So I don't know what to say. I'm enjoying the beautiful weather and a bit confused about where to go. I've got prospects at the new bar job, but I'm not sure where that will go. I may totally hate it, but we shall see. I definitely going to pursue a lab job at Northwestern as well. That seems like a dream to me, but maybe I have a chance. It's very refreshing to be doing what I want to do. And I just hope I can stay strong and not let people push me into doing things just because it's easier than deciding for myself. Life really is too short to waste it unhappy. And as long as your happiness doesn't create unhappiness for someone else than that seems like the right thing. So whatever, that is my insight for the night. Things definitely will fall into place in their own time. So Erin, don't worry about the job situation you will be led where you should be. And if you want to try something new, try it. Lo

Middle school all over again

Today I was dragged into the middle of a crowd of 6th graders, who demanded that I pop, lock, and drop it. Never thought I'd see that happen. This time, I didn't drop it so low (last time I thought I could still do what I did in high school), so I am uninjured. I also had to run into the girl's bathroom to hide from that guy who likes me. A true middle school moment.

Things that are good and bad

Things that are good in my life: I have friends who are always up for adventure. The reservations have been made for whitewater rafting in a few weeks, and there are plans to go to a rodeo at the end of June. My neighborhood bar. Cheap drinks, non-pretentious people. I need to hang out there more often. My parents. They are so understanding even though I just keep messing up with money. My class. Yesterday we read the part in The Outsiders where Johnny tells Ponyboy to stay gold. They were so into it. Today we finished watching West Side Story (since it goes along with The Outsiders) and my class walked around snapping all day. Grad school. It's everything I wanted it to be. I'm actually learning information that I'm applying to my job. I finally found a church I like in the city. My college roommate is coming to visit in a few weeks! My small group is going to be reading Sex God, which makes me very happy. A lady at work calls me Mary Poppins because I'm always smiling

I want...

... a baby Shrek doll. Am I too old for this?

Am I too attached to fictional characters?

Because I have had a very emotional week as a result of TV. First came the series finale of Gilmore Girls. I don't care if it's been on for 7 years, I wasn't ready for it. It kind of sucked last year, and then the writing this year was just like the first season. Everyone keeps saying that there's not much else they could have done with the story, but I don't want to hear that. I cried 3 times- when the town surprised Rory, when Lorelei had that talk with her parents and you knew they were finally cool with each other, and when Rory and Lorelei were ironing. Maybe it's because it has been on for 7 years, and there are not many things I was doing 7 years ago that I'm still doing now. Anyway, it was the perfect ending, I just didn't want it to end. Then came Ugly Betty last night. I don't want to give anything away, but I cried and cried. They just had to go and tie in West Side Story. The song Somewhere makes me cry anyway. But it was brilli

Still more things to do this summer

Have a water balloon fight Start collecting teacups Work on my dollhouse Go through Bust magazine and read the book recommendations Play in the rain Eat sno-cones from that lady on the west side Finish Sarah's gift See a big waterfall Go to the Chicago Historical Society before the Dior exhibit is gone Start doing vocalises again and get my voice back into shape Go to a rodeo and flirt with a cowboy Go pretend camping Waterpark

I keep trying to add two and two, but I've got nothing

So much craziness last weekend... the title pretty much sums it up. This is going to be a really random post- lots of stuff going on, but not much to say about any of it. My ex's best friend texted last week and wanted to hang out that night. He ended up coming over (with a friend) on Friday, and we all went out. What I'd like to know is, what's his agenda? Everyone has his own agenda (according to Walk Two Moons, one of my favorite children's books). So what is his? Why would he want to hang out, totally out of the blue? I guess I will have to wait and see. But it was definitely good to see him. Nina had the most brilliant idea on Saturday, when we were feeling so sick after Friday night. Since she has a studio, we moved her bed in front of the tv. We watched two movies, which I will now review for you here: Music and Lyrics: Terrible. Because I Said So: "Who does that? No one has EVER done that!" according to Nina. Not bad, just weird. Who tal

Baby-Sitters Club

What should I be doing right now? Grading papers. Getting started on work for my new grad class. Doing dishes. Taking a shower and getting ready for bed. Even catching up on emails would be acceptable. What am I doing right now? I am consumed by the need to email Ann M. Martin and tell her about my idea for a new Baby-sitters Club book. I think she needs to write an adult novel about the characters all grown up. I think there would be a huge market. All of us girls in our 20's would love to hear what happened to the girls that seemed more like best friends than book characters. Here is what I have discovered. First of all, Ms. Ann M. Martin is difficult to email. Her official website is on the Scholastic site, and all they have are message boards. Secondly, there were actually 131 books just in the regular BSC series, and it just ended like, 6 years ago. So maybe she would not be ready for the baby sitters to be all grown up yet. After the regular BSC books came the Baby-sitters Cl