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Showing posts from May, 2010

One More Thing...

I was just looking back over my blog and realized that just 2 months ago, I was saying I was going to move to Phoenix and tell Ryan about my feelings for him before I left. Oh my goodness, have things changed. I felt the need for a quick factual update. 1. I had a profound realization in which I realized I don't want to be with Ryan. So that's a non-issue now. 2. I haven't heard from Phoenix. I have emailed resumes to every middle and high school principal in the following cities: Madison Minneapolis Denver Asheville Nashville Louisville Grand Rapids Boston I've applied in Seattle and Portland, but haven't emailed all the principals just because those places are SO far from home. Also, I'm still in the process of applying to districts in Phoenix. So really, my whole life is up in the air right now.


I have been really unmotivated to go to the gym lately for no apparent reason. This week, I just couldn't face my usual strength-training session, so I emailed Julie (my trainer) and asked if we could just do cardio instead. I know it sounds stupid to pay someone to just do the elliptical with you for a half hour, but I figured it would at least get me to the gym. Well, as usual, Julie totally exceeded my expectations. We went for a power walk/jog around this beautiful park, stopping every so often to do push-ups, dips, etc. And as we walked, we talked about life. Julie is pretty introverted, which makes me crazy because I want to know everybody's stories, and all I get from her is surface-y stuff. Today, she totally opened up, and I learned a lot about her. We realized that we struggle with a lot of the same issues, and it was just really great to have that connection. I feel like there are all these people sprinkled throughout my life who impart bits of wisdom that,

Reading the Bible

I have some rambling thoughts about reading the Bible. I was thinking recently that many, if not most Christians have never read the entire Bible. And that just doesn’t seem right. If it’s in there, it’s scripture and is therefore important, right? If we’re thinking about eternity, wouldn’t we want to read everything God has to say? But I’ve been guilty of not reading my Bible, too. Growing up in the Lutheran church, there is a huge emphasis on scripture, which I love. And when I got a nice Bible for confirmation, I was so excited to read it. And I did read most of it. I’m pretty sure I’ve read the whole Bible at least twice. But I’ve always been really inconsistent. I’d go through periods where I’d read every day, and times when I didn’t pick it up for months. And when I did read, it was always the same stuff- John, Romans, James, Ephesians, etc. I’m not sure when my issues with faith started, but they’ve been going on for a while. So back in January, I decided I needed to

Favorite People

If this weekend had a title, it would be called The Weekend of My Favorite People. Because that’s totally what it was. The weekend really started with Thursday night, when Whitney and I went to Lalo’s for dinner. We each just had one margarita, but as Whitney said, it was like drinking a bowl of tequila. We actually had to come back to my place so I could sober up before driving Whitney home. There was lots of merriment and giggling. Good times. I didn’t have to go to work on Friday because I had a doctor’s appointment. (I asked my doctor about my super high heart rate when I work out, and she said it’s because I’m out of shape. “But I’ve been working out regularly for over a year,” I protested. “Doesn’t matter,” she replied. “That’s just the way your heart is. Some of us just aren’t born to be athletes. It’s survival of the fittest.”) After leaving Dr. Sweet’s, I stopped by my brother’s and saw his apartment for the first time, which I feel pretty guilty about since he’s lived there f


So, I haven’t been blogging because I really don’t have anything interesting to say. The latest employment news is that my district probably will not hire people back until January, and I can’t wait that long. So, moving has become more of a reality. I’ve started packing up some stuff in my classroom and organizing cabinets and stuff in my apartment so it will be easy to pack. There’s some stuff I could even pack now and just store at my parents’ house for a while. I have an interview next week at a school in a small town near Princeton, which is the small town I dream of living in. I mailed my stuff on Saturday, and they called me this afternoon and wanted me to come on Wednesday, but I can’t go till Monday. I’m not sure if I should even go. The advantages are that it’s the small town I’ve always wanted to live in, and it’s not too far from home. But I feel like it would be social suicide to move to a small town like that when I’m single. And what kind of guys would I be mee