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Showing posts from March, 2008

Favorite Authors

Oh no, the month of list-making is almost over, and I haven't taken full advantage!! Everyone knows about my love of romance novels and makes fun of me for it. Well, I am pleased to share this website I found, Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Books . It makes me feel like I am not alone in my addiction, and that smart women can enjoy romance novels, too. My favorite romance authors are: 1. Susan Elizabeth Phillips Her characters are so likeable and seem like real people, and she is so witty. She almost makes me believe that real life can be like her novels. But don't worry, I know better. 2. Eloisa James She is one of my new favorites. After I discovered her, I read every one of her books within a few short weeks. She's brilliant. She's a professor of English literature, so her books are so intelligently written. You can find Shakespeare sprinkled throughout most of them, and you always learn something about history. In addition to that, her books ar


Here is a video I found on YouTube of DC's. It's not great (I wish they'd just show the dancing so you could see the whole dance all the way through), but at least you can get an idea of what it's like. (Kathy, want to go with me on April 5 or 12th?)

French Martinis and Line Dancing

This week... I found out that a parent came in a few weeks ago and yelled at my principal for two and a half hours, most of which was about me. She had a list of complaints dating back to November. Luckily, my principal knows she is crazy and said, "Ms. C, if you had a problem in November, you should have come to me in November." It's nice that my principal has my back. I went out to The Spot on Friday because I got a free dinner and drinks for my birthday. Nina and Ken came, and Cyndee stopped by later too, so it was fun to see friends I don't see very often. I told Ken how excited I was to go shopping at Disney World so I can decorate my apartment with more Disney things, and he told me that's a recipe for dying alone. (He's probably right.) I also had four French martinis. I would have had more, but I was starting to feel nauseous. They're just so GOOD! I think that's a sign of being an adult; you don't drink to get drunk, you just rea

Saturday Night

Last Saturday night I hung out with my birthmom. We went to this country bar up in the north suburbs because I was hoping to go line dancing. It ended up not being the best place to dance (it was mostly couples), but the band was really good. And it was hilarious to watch my birthmom have too much to drink. She decided she really liked country music (after going on and on about NOT liking it). She also enjoyed checking out the lead singer of the band, embarrassing me to death in front of this guy who came over to talk to us (she kept telling him she doesn’t get out much), and most of all, she loved dancing! She danced with this kind of nerdy looking guy in a flannel shirt and cowboy hat who twirled her all over the dance floor. And she looked good, despite how drunk she was! So here’s the weird thing about hanging out with my birthmom- it’s like hanging out with myself. The things she says and does are so similar to the things I say and do. There are definitely big difference

Am I a Crazy Fundamentalist Christian?

So I watched the documentary Jesus Camp tonight. It was excellent, but it raised a lot of questions for me. My biggest concern was that I actually am one of them. For like, the first half hour of the movie, I was in agreement with everything that was said and done. Well, except for their insistence that evolution is a lie. To be honest, I do believe that God created humans, and they didn't just evolve. But part of my faith is believing in science as well, and knowing that faith and science can work together. I agreed with many things in the movie. The little girl who worked up her courage to give someone a tract; that was touching to me. Sharing your faith is difficult, especially the way the she did it. She risked ridicule to share a message of love and grace. That's pretty awesome. I also agree that we need to be passionate about our beliefs. Revelations warns us against being lukewarm. Unfortunately, the things that the people in this movie were passionate abo


We were on lockdown at school today, which really wasn't as exciting as it sounds. There was a shooting nearby yesterday involving some students from the local high school. One was killed, the other is badly injured. They haven't caught the shooter yet. So we had to search all the kids' bookbags, which really didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. First of all, it got them all worked up, and we were supposed to keep them calm. Second of all, my students were indignant that I thought they had the murder weapon. I tried not to say much about it, but they aren't stupid. I guess there's always the chance of retaliation, though; when someone gets shot, there is usually some kind of retaliation. So they probably wanted us to make sure none of our kids were involved in any way. We also had to keep our classroom doors locked all day. I was kind of disappointed that we just had a boring old staff meeting to tell us to do this. It would have been much more exc

Favorite Sex and the City Quotes

I had so much fun looking for quotes instead of doing homework... Season 1 Carrie: I began to realize that being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park: completely unfair and usually bestowed upon those who deserve it least. Season 2 Carrie: Miranda was a huge fan of the Yankees. I was a huge fan of being anywhere you could smoke and drink at two in the afternoon without judgement. Miranda: I'm sorry, if a man is over thirty and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out of propogating the species. Carrie: Okay, well, what about us? Miranda: We're just choosy. Samantha: Is he that bad in bed? Miranda: No. He's just... he's a guy. He can rebuild a jet engine but when it comes to a woman... What's the big mystery? It's my clitoris, not the Sphinx. Carrie: Now I've laid down a gauntlet. He either has to say "I love you" back or I guess I'm going to have to break

Best and Worst Birthdays

My fabulous friend Whitney told me that there is a theme for bloggers this month: lists. Not that I’m a serious blogger or anything, but I do enjoy making lists. So I’ll try to keep with that theme this month. Also, I apologize for this post being so long. My class is currently taking the ISAT, and I don’t have much else to do. My best birthdays: 1. My 21st birthday My choir was on tour, as usual. The night before my birthday we had a concert in Jackson, Mississippi. I think that was my favorite concert we ever did. It was this tiny church, and we were wondering why we were even there. But when it came time for dinner, we realized how amazing this little church was. Most of the congregation came for dinner, and they cooked us authentic Cajun food from scratch. I still dream about those hush puppies and that Mississippi Mud Cake. Then, when it came time for the concert, both the church and narthex were packed. These people were so happy to have us. Our host mom that night

My Unfabulous Weekend

It was my birthday weekend. My birthday is on Tuesday, but we had a four day weekend, so I had all sorts of fabulous plans. I was originally supposed to go down to Memphis and party on Beale Street, but sadly, that didn't work out. So I filled my weekend with other exciting plans: brunch with my little sister, a shopping trip with my mom, a country bar with my birthmom, DC's with Faye, a hiking adventure in Indiana... and then, Thursday night, I came down with the flu. I was miserable all day Friday. It didn't help that two guys came over to fix the giant hole in my bathroom wall (from the water problem) and left a huge mess that I was too sick to clean up. There was drywall junk everywhere. But Sarah was kind enough to come take care of me on Friday night. She gave me a manicure and we watched a chick flick; such a dear friend. Saturday was a whole lot of nothing. Body aches, chills, and laying on the couch. Sunday I woke up feeling better and jumped at the chanc