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Showing posts from May, 2017

The Subaru Fiasco

On our way home from spring break, the Sub started making a terrible noise. About 25 miles south of Moab, it died. We were right by a construction zone, and the flagger was very helpful. He went down the line of cars stuck in traffic and was able to solicit a ride for us to Hole in the Rock, the closest available phone.      We called AAA for a tow and ended up sitting in the waiting area at the mechanic's with his dog sitting in the chair between us. He came in just a few minutes later and informed me that it was the worst-case scenario- the engine. At least $3500 to fix. It was decided that I would just leave the car in Moab. I couldn't even sell it for scrap metal; there was no salvage yard in Moab. The mechanic usually charges $200 for car disposal (I HATE using that word in reference to my beloved car), but he was willing to waive the fee for me. He gave us a ride to our $200 hotel room, because it also happened to be Jeep week in Moab so everything was more expensive.

Climate Change March

SUWA asked me to carry a sign in the climate change march a few weeks ago. The older I get, the more I realize I have just a hint of social anxiety when it comes to crowds. But I had ONE JOB- visibility. I was happy to help, especially with something so easy.  Well, easy for most people. About 3/4 of the way through the march, I looked down and realized my sign had been upside down the whole time. I was mortified.    The event started with a rally, where I admired people's signs and fashion choices.      (This guy came and stood right in front of me, so this was my view during the rally.) Then we marched to the governor's mansion, and that was fun!   I really enjoyed my little foray into civil disobedience. This whole Bears Ears issue is the closest I've ever been to something controversial and newsworthy, and the amount of misinformation out there amazes me. I am equally shocked (although I guess I shouldn't be) at how our politicians are misrepresenting us. The majori

Bear Canyon Bridge

I've been recovering from some health stuff (nothing serious, just not fun), so this week we did a super easy 2.5 mile hike to the Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge in Draper. As soon as we stepped onto it, I was not a fan!    The wildflowers were really beautiful!  Our school secretary recommended this hike to me. When I saw her this morning, she told me she saw city workers there last week. She asked what they were working on, and they said that local teenagers like to come and loosen the screws on the bridge to make it more bouncy!