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Showing posts from October, 2010

Halloween '10

I pretty much skipped Halloween for the past few years, so this year, I did it right. Last week, Rachel and I went to a pumpkin patch up in Prescott. It was cold and rainy and not as cool as we thought it would be, but it was still a nice trip. (Rachel has Carmen all bundled up in the Baby Bjorn.) On Friday night, I went to the Zombie Walk in downtown Phoenix with my friends Kristin and Jenny. And yes, it was just as cool as it sounds. Hundreds of zombies in a parade through Heritage Square- old people, young people, zombie brides, zombies in bathrobes and hair curlers, zombie Abe Lincoln, zombie Waldo... The best part was when the Ghostbusters showed up in Ecto 1. I was like, "What is going on???" And Kristin said, "Oh, the Ghostbusters are like local celebrities. They show up at all kinds of events." After seeing the zombies, we hung out at the Rose and Crown, a really cool old house that was made into a bar. It had the feel of being at a really fun house party wi

Fall Break

We've had the whole week off for fall break. I've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with this little cutie. Today I was singing her Ella Fitzgerald, and she smiled and cooed along with me. It was one of those moments that's so beautiful you just want to burst with happiness. Tomorrow we are going to a pumpkin patch up by Prescott. Can't wait to see some colored leaves!

Perfect Phoenix Weekend

This weekend was exactly what I visualized when I pictured my social life in Phoenix. Friday night Rachel and I went to this event called Ignite Phoenix. 18 people are chosen to give 5 minute presentations on a variety of topics. We learned about donuts, airport codes, autism, the sex trade in Phoenix, the importance of supporting local businesses, and Iran. There was a cocktail party afterwards where you could talk to the presenters. We're already looking forward to the next one in December, which is a 21 and over event. I spent Saturday morning laying out by the pool, and Saturday afternoon I was invited to a coworker's house to watch football. I was pretty surprised by this invite; I've only said good morning to this guy a few times. Also, he's pretty hot, which means I'm scared to talk to him. But my friend said he thinks I'm really cool and he's not the type to invite someone just because they're new. (I should probably mention here that he lives wi

What's Next

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to move. In middle school, I wanted to reinvent myself. I fantasized about moving to a small town where I would be one of the popular girls. (It's funny because that would never have worked. I was inherently nerdy. Actually, I still am, but now I own a flat iron, contacts, makeup, and Christian Louboutins, which somewhat obfuscates the nerdiness.) In high school, I wanted a new group of friends. Not at first, but after junior year I started realizing that I didn't like the direction my life was going. But I was terrified that if I gave up the lifestyle, I'd lose my best friends. I had planned on going to college somewhere far away, but then I got pregnant and messed that up. In my early 20's, and even now to some extent, it was about adventure. When Beauty and the Beast came out, I still remember leaving the theater and my mom saying that I was just like Belle with the whole love of reading and wanting adventure. T

Presenting to the world...

Miss Carmen Elise Barlow (Rachel and Mico's daughter) born September 24, 2010 She came over for a visit tonight. I did not want to put that baby down. She looks just like Rachel. She even makes Rachel faces.

I thought I was going to die...

We had a little bit of weather here last week. I walked out of work and thought, "Hey, that kind of sky looks familiar... No, I'm being silly. I'm in Phoenix. There are no tornadoes here!" Apparently I was wrong. I don't know if they confirmed that it was actually a tornado that touched down, but it was craziness. I was driving down Camelback when the rainwater actually started blowing across the street. I couldn't see; I actually now understand how all those drivers end up in flash floods. (Although I do still think most people here are retarded when it rains. And I'm not the only one who thinks that; they actually have the Stupid Motorist Act here.) Then the golf ball-sized hail started. And the wind was so strong, the trees were all bending and branches and stuff were hitting my car. Traffic just came to a complete stop, and I thought, this is it, I'm a goner. I could feel the wind trying to blow me off the road. I wished Nina was in the car with m

Ann M. Martin!!!!!

So I was up late one night this summer with nothing to do and decided I should finally write Ann M. Martin a letter about my idea for a new Babysitter's Club Book with the girls all grown up, facing adult problems. Her original readers are all about my age, so it would be fun to see what happened to the girls. Yesterday, I got a letter back!!!!!!!!! And it wasn't just a form letter; it was written specifically to me!!!!! She said she was flattered to hear that I recommend her books to my students. She said she's not planning on writing a book about the girls as adults because her favorite age to write for is middle-grade. But then she said, "However, your letter was certainly persuasive- I loved your ideas- and I will give your suggestion some thought. (I can't make any promises, though!)" Ann M. Martin loved MY ideas!!!!! She also included a letter to my students and a bunch of bookmarks. I am so excited. And I really hope she writes the book!

Things I Love About Portland

1. Paula!!!! I mentioned a long time ago that I couldn’t make pancakes, and she remembered that and taught me how. We went to wineries, which was fun (I am SO craving some of that sparkling plum sake), but the best part was just hanging out and talking. 2. The hippies. They give it character, even if it does mean that downtown smells like urine and B.O. I especially enjoyed being hit on by a guy who told me that I look like his mom. When I stared at him in confusion, he explained that I look like his mom when she was younger, and apparently she used to be hot. Then I glanced down and saw the joint in his hand, and it all made sense. 3. The homeless people read books. 4. They have a Noodles and Co. 5. Powell’s- biggest bookstore in the world. Overwhelming and wonderful at the same time. 6. The weather- you get seasons, but apparently it doesn’t get super cold in the winter. The leaves were just starting to turn, and it was sunny and 70. 7. There are mountains and hills. 8. It