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Showing posts from February, 2017

Rainy Day in the Swell

Debra and I were SO OVER being stuck inside, so we decided to head south, even though it was supposed to rain all weekend.  Our destination was the rock art in Old Woman Wash. The drive in was a little sketchy, and we had trouble following the directions, so we weren't sure if we were starting in the right place. We dropped down into the wash, and then we each turned to go opposite directions. I felt that we needed to go right, because the description said the wash would quickly deepen and we'd be in a canyon, in the reef. And it looked like we'd get to the reef pretty quickly going to the right. Debra turned left because the directions said to head west. We got out the compass, and she was facing west. So Debra won.  It was only supposed to be a 1.5 mile loop. So after a half hour of hiking in a boring, sandy wash, we were pretty sure we were going the wrong way. Honestly, I wasn't excited about it and wanted to turn around and explore in the opposite direction. But De

Pony Express

My new friend Debra and I went on a trip across the West Desert to follow the original Pony Express route. This 120 mile route through the desert was only used for 19 months, which is surprising given how notorious it is. Before the Pony Express, it took mail 6 months to travel from the east coast to the west coast. The Pony Express reduced that time to 10 days!  We began the day in Wendover, where we were very excited to purchase regular strength Coors Light. And then, very quickly, we were out in the middle of nowhere.    The cool thing about this drive was that you're pretty much seeing things the way the riders did back in 1860. There's not much out there except the occasion ruins of the old outposts.    There was also one solitary "town" which was just a few houses out in the middle of nowhere and some other random paraphernalia.   Do not hump??? We passed through a National Wildlife Refuge, in which Debra ran through the "Area Closed Beyond This Sign."