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Psychic Reading

I've always been curious about what it would be like to see a psychic, and while I was in Florida, I had the opportunity. This woman came highly recommended, and I could tell right away that she was the real thing. It was a 45 minute reading, and without knowing anything about me, she spent the first 20 minutes talking about my past, present, and future. She didn't ask any questions, just talked. And some of the things she said were things that most people don't know. I know a lot of people don't believe in this kind of thing, or think it's a sin. I'm not sure what I think. If she had a Ouija board and was trying to contact spirits, I would not be excited about it. But I think God gives people all kinds of gifts, and this is one of them. She didn't use cards or anything; she said she just gets images and impressions in her head.

Most of what she talked about was predictions for the coming year. I just listened to the recording she made and took notes. I'll post them here, and it will be fun to see how accurate they are. This is going to be long, so I understand if no one is interested in reading this except for me. But I highly recommend this experience. It's kind of like a therapy session, and it gave me a lot of hope.

  • The first thing she saw was me holding something in both hands, trying to decide about something. By late February/early March, a choice will be made, and it will be productive.
  • 2008 wasn't so hot; it was okay, but didn't take me where I wanted to go.
  • 2009- Year starts off slow but gains momentum and involves skills and talents- expansion, will help me feel more focused on what I really want to do; right now I’m getting by, but haven’t realized fullness of talents and interests; that will happen more this spring

  • Training opportunity this spring- will give me direction

    Image for spring was telescope, saw me bringing it into focus, help from a woman- employer/advisor, between 5’4” and 5’5”, short hair to chin, will open doors of opportunity

  • Late April/Early May- birthday or anniversary, celebration, short trip, lots of fun

  • February- I'll be doing something with my body, reviewing something, no medical concern, maybe something with nutrition- changing, will shift chemicals in my body, will feel better, less lethargic, will have more energy, more productive, benefits will be experienced almost immediately and I'll enjoy it

  • Late February- lots of writing, creative imagery in my mind and heart, writing is a good form of expression for me, lots of capability and could do more

  • Late June/early July- more satisfying in terms of relationships, I've had a lot of past disappointments, this will be an expansion time for friendships of all kinds

  • Summer begins to solidify something romantic, will strengthen a relationship and bring it closer to what I want; I desperately want traditional family and am disappointed that that hasn't materialized; hang on, don’t play beat the clock, as a relationship evolves, be aware of feeling needy vs. participating in the relationship

  • She was very aware of the presence of a woman who’s passed away but she couldn’t see her, grandmotherly type, saw cherries- pie, tarts, jam, etc. Loves sweets and made them a lot, not very tall, very dynamic, not petite, knew how to “throw her weight around,” husband was tall

  • In the next 2 years- more trips across the water, will be going to British Aisles- someplace I’ll go that is very familiar

  • Over the next 6 months, I'll feel better about life- I look cheerful but there's a lot pulling on my emotions, swinging me in and out of depression; I'll feel more focused by spring; summer- balance of finances/awareness of what's ahead, will give me more hope
  • I have a lot of compassion of a healer, curiosity since I was little, won’t be happy with 9-5 job

  • I’m smart but don’t give myself credit for it, as I gain more education I’ll gain more confidence in myself

  • Bill/William is a name that has lots of meaning to me, people who have passed on, people in my present life, in July/August look for that name again in someone connected to numbers- maybe finances, that affiliation will be enjoyable

  • Late July/ early August- Nice travel, short distance, going with sense of purpose, don’t get overly tired, I’ll ultimately be pleased

  • The next 8-10 months will be very nice for me in terms of who I’m meeting- will be meeting more and more people with notoriety or celebrity
  • She asked if I am settled in Chicago. I replied that it's complicated. She said there will be no move just yet, July 2009-Spring 2010 is good time for a distance move, don’t move out of fear for what would happen if I didn’t make the move, know what I want to do emotionally when I get where I’m going, have clarity before I make the change, it doesn’t feel like I’m going to stay in Chicago, but I’m not ready to leave this minute
  • Late August/September- celebration, small financial increase, I'll use it for special expenditure, don’t spend it before you have it

  • The name Sharon will have significance to me- late summer/early fall, tall woman, reddish brown hair, curly, almost shoulder length, very different from me

  • New York has meaning to me, this summer- watch for communications with someone from there

  • I have a lot of dreams- write them down- they will be resolving

  • She said I am doubting myself, I try to convey that I’m confident, but I’m not, I’m building my confidence; I should focus on my strengths, what I have rather than what I think I should have; There were people who tried to build me up in the past but I didn’t trust it, I’m going to start trusting myself more this year

This was all stuff she said without knowing anything about me. Then, I asked a few questions. I wasn't really prepared and didn't know what to ask, but she did give me some nice advice and insight into a few things.

  • There WILL be a relationship and opportunities for what I want (family, etc.)

  • Getting my Master’s will not completely satisfy me- I’ll enjoy it but it won’t be enough, look into writing- maybe I’ll develop a reading program- I have the creativity

  • Early in the conversation, when she mentioned the grandmotherly figure, I said that my grandmother had passed away, but that wouldn't have been her. During the second part of our session, she said that when I mentioned my grandmother, she had the image of a bracelet. As she described it, I realized she was describing a bracelet my mom gave to my grandma not long before she died. It had charms/jewels that represented the fruits of the Spirit, and she was buried in it. I said I had a lot of regrets about that relationship, and she said I shouldn't- my grandma made her choices. Later I asked about the significance of her seeing this bracelet (did it mean my grandma was with me or something), and she said it's just a "touch-in"; just kind of a reassurance that there is life after death, and things are good.
  • I asked about Grandma; she said she saw her playing cards and sensed frustration; she’s a character unto herself; my relationship with her will give me strength throughout my life- her experiences will help me with my problems

  • I’m perceptive and accurate- my parents will not change anytime soon (I'm worried that they're unhappy). Andy wants to make changes but doesn’t have the initiative yet, late winter/early spring there will be movement, parents aren't pushing him to move out

  • Challenge- when I’m around a man I’m attracted to- think "equal adult partner"
  • When talking about meeting men, she mentioned motorcycles. Not sure if it was somethign she saw or just her throwing out an idea because her husband owns a motorcylce shop. She was talking about meeting someone with a hobby that may be completely opposite of my interests.


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