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Snickerdoodles and Attempted Murder

Nancy came to visit last weekend, and it was shenanigans as usual. She is the Bert to my Ernie, my Long Distance Lover. I miss her so much!

She wanted to see what a typical weekend in my life was like. We stayed up late on Friday night, chatting and catching up. Nancy woke up around 5:00 Saturday morning and went to use the bathroom. As she walked by my room, she heard me moaning and saying, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…”

She was mortified and tried to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, I was suffering through my first charlie horse. The sound of my own voice had woken me up. My first thought was, “I hope Nancy didn’t hear that.”

I went to use the bathroom and saw that Nancy was awake, so I told her about the charlie horse.

“Oh,” she said, “I thought you were having a, um… private moment.”

“What?! Nancy, it is 5:00 a.m.!”

“Well, I don’t know your schedule!”

“You think I set my alarm or something? Why would I do that???”

“I don’t know, maybe you were having a really good dream or something!”

I am glad that we cleared up that misunderstanding.

We spent Saturday hiking the 7 Falls trail in Tucson. Very different from our other hiking experiences! Usually I take Nancy to places out in the middle of nowhere, but I know that makes her nervous. I thought she might prefer a more popular trail this time. At first she thought that sounded like a good idea, but by the end of the hike, she was irritated with all the people. We’ll go back to solitude next time.

Nancy is not outdoorsy by any means, and she doesn’t claim to be or want to be. I appreciate how willing she is to be outside with me, despite her terror. After seeing a sign about mountain lions at the trailhead, she was convinced that the sounds of birds cooing were actually mountain lions getting ready to attack. I was pretty excited to see a snake along the trail, but Nancy was glad she missed it. We had drinks with Dan when we finished hiking, and he told Nancy all about wildlife in Arizona. After that conversation, I am afraid Nancy will never want to hike with me again!

(Our "kick-it" spot)

We went to church on Sunday, and my heart was so full as I sat there with Nancy and Amanda, singing my favorite songs and thinking about how lucky I am. I love that Nancy enjoys coming to my church, even though she is not religious. It is definitely a special place!

Since this was supposed to be a typical weekend in my life, we had lunch at Mucho Macho Taco and then made snickerdoodles to deliver to people on the prayer list.

Our first stop was at the retirement community. An elderly couple was sitting on a bench, and as we walked by, I stepped on the man’s oxygen tube. The worst part was that I didn’t even notice, so I looked like a complete a-hole. Nancy and I laughed so hard we cried. We almost got caught at our second spot… After making the drop off, I circled around the block to make sure the cookies had been found. Unfortunately, we were in Sun City, so our actions had created quite a disturbance. Three sets of neighbors were all standing out in their driveways, trying to figure out what had just happened. As we approached their houses, one of the neighbors turned around and pointed to my car- busted! Since I try to remain anonymous, I did a 3-point turn in the middle of the street and squealed my tires as I drove away. I’m sure they now think the snickerdoodles were delivered by a psychopath.

That night we had dinner at the Public Market Café with some of my favorite girlfriends in Phoenix, and we met Jason for brunch the next morning. It was so hard to drop Nancy off at the airport that afternoon.  I am thankful for any time I get to spend with her. I am also thankful for her wonderful fiancé, Marc, who surprised her with this trip for her birthday!

I love this girl!!


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