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Making Plans

What a difference a few weeks makes...

Work is not awesome. But neither does it suck. I've been really busy, and it's amazing how good that makes me feel. 10 hour days are good for me. I don't know why, but I like having a million things to do at work, especially because I feel like the work I'm doing is a good thing. A lot of my students are making good progress. The ones who aren't are making me crazy, but that just makes me work harder.

I found an apartment. A huge one-bedroom with a dining room (perfect for entertaining), a sun room, and a view of the park. The floors are dark, so I'm going to need rugs. The thought of decorating has me really excited. I think I'm going to get a big dining room table from Ikea, and then collect vintage mismatched chairs for it. And I'm thinking about getting this Banksy picture for my living room:

The thing I'm most excited about is entertaining again. I haven't hosted an event in years. My apartment in Pilsen was too small, and I never got fully settled in my Phoenix apartment. But I love playing hostess! I bought a griddle on Black Friday, so I think my first event will be a brunch with a wide assortment of pancakes! Red velvet, chocolate chip, pumpkin, blueberry... And of course, the best part of brunch- beaucoup de mimosas. I'll make some baked goodies, too, and hash browns because those are good when you're hungover. I'll wear my apron with the cherries on it and a cute headband, and the background music will be Ella Fitzgerald. I can't wait!!

Another thing making me happy is singing. Oh, how I love to sing. I can't believe this has been missing from my life for so long. I'm singing with my friend's church choir for their Christmas concert next Sunday, and I have multiple solos! I was so nervous about this at first, but it's so comfortable and familiar. The text and music look all intimidating, and then I open my mouth and the Latin just falls out. It's like an old friend, like hanging out with Rachel or Liz or Paula. It gives me so much joy and just feels right. There's something about music by Bach and Praetorious that's just satisfying on a deep level.

Besides all this other great stuff, I have trips to look forward to. I'm going to Vegas for my 30th, and 9 of my closest friends are coming with me! It's almost too good to be true! The best part is that Vegas has slot canyons nearby, so this is turning into a canyoneering trip. I cannot imagine anything happier than exploring a canyon with so many of my favorite people. I think I may just burst into happy tears if it actually happens.

And not only is there Vegas, but this summer I am planning an even more epic road trip than last year's. I really, really hope it works out. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be gone for almost two months! The idea of driving across the country in my Subaru and hiking at national parks sounds like heaven on Earth to me.

I have so much to look forward to. I have so much hope for the good things to come.


Anonymous said…
i hope i am invited to your pancake extravaganza!

mostly for the ella fitzgerald. and the mimosas.

and the company of course! :)

p.s. congrats on finding a place!

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