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Adventures in Babysitting

Yesterday started out just like every other Friday this summer. I babysit for adorable 4-year-old twins. I got to their house early, then drove them downtown for Chinese school from 9-12 in their parents' minivan. (They are adopted from China.) After I dropped them off, I headed back to my apartment for a nap. As I was driving down Halsted, this white minivan just drove right in front of me. She was on Hubbard, trying to cross Halsted. I didn't have a stop light or stop sign or anything; she just thought she had enough time to make it across. She didn't. I hit the side of her van. We pulled over, and her van wasn't damaged at all, but the front of my van was all scratched and the license plate was messed up. So we called the police and were told that they wouldn't come unless someone was injured; if we wanted to file a police report, we had to go to the station. The women gave me directions, and I said I would follow them. Looking back, I was soooooo stupid! How could I not even think to get all their information right away? I was just so shaken up. It could have been a really BAD accident if I had been going faster. So I'm sure it's obvious where this story is going- the women drove all crazy and lost me, and then didn't show up at the police station. The twins' mom still wanted me to file a police report, so I had to deal with this cop who thought I was a complete idiot since I only had half the license plate number, and he told me right away that he wasn't going to be nice to me. It was a very unpleasant experience. Luckily, the twins' parents weren't upset with me. They were just glad everyone was okay.

I picked up the girls from China school and we headed up to the far northwest side where they live. I decided to treat us all to Noodles for lunch. We had a very nice lunch, but when we got back to the car, Maren asked where her blanket was. "It's right here," I replied, handing her a pink blanket. "No, that's Phoebe's!" she said. And that's when I realized her precious blanket had been left at China school. Phoebe had handed me two blankets as we were leaving, but apparently she had brought both of them, and Maren had brought one, too. And of course, when I called the school, they said they didn't have any classes for the rest of the day, but the girls could come get it the next day. This was NOT a good situation. These girls are very attached to their blankets. Phoebe offered to share one of hers with Maren, with kept Maren quiet for a while. But when their mom got home, Maren started crying for her blanket again. So I'm glad I'm not at that house this weekend.

After lunch, we went to this really cool water playground I'd heard about. I was so determined to still have a fun day. But as soon as we got there, I realized we'd forgotten sunscreen. So we had to leave, find a Walgreens, and go back. The girls finally got to play, and they were having a great time. But then Phoebe closed her eyes to run through one of the fountains and ran right into Maren. Her nose started gushing blood everywhere. It was pretty traumatic. But Phoebe is brave, so about 10 minutes later she decided she wanted to go back and play with Maren. Not even 5 minutes later, Phoebe slipped and fell again. And I said, "We're done."

We went home and watched Between the Lions till their mom got home. I was too scared to do anything else. I am babysitting three full days this week. I really hope I don't have three more days like that.


Anonymous said…
Erin this is coming from my connection to the police department...MAKE A COMPLAINTMENT about that officer. dude that sucks at least no one was injured
Erinello said…
I don't think it's even worth it to complain. I just didn't like his attitude... he told me not to talk unless he asked me a question, and then I was only allowed to answer that question and not elaborate. But I WAS an idiot to not get all that woman's info, so I can see why he treated me like that. Anyway, thanks for your concern. :)

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