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Another fabulous weekend

So I've been wanting to write about my fabulous weekend, but now every time I want to write about something fun, I'm afraid I sound like this girl. I don't want to sound disgustingly happy because it's obnoxious, but I kinda am. (Disgustingly happy, that is. Hopefully I'm not too obnoxious.) So I'm going to write about how fun my weekend was, because, as I've said before, I don't blog because I think I'm a great writer; this is just my journal.

My friend Sarah LOVES this 80's cover band, Sixteen Candles, and invited me and Nancy to go see them on Friday. They were playing up in Palatine, so I met my birthmom (Kathy) and her husband (Greg) for dinner before the show.

I knew I was in trouble the minute I sat down because Greg was doing shots. So then I ordered a shot of Patron, and yes, I ended up getting very drunk. I had soooo much fun hanging out with them. Once again, I realized how eerily alike my birthmom and I are. Nancy hung out with us for a while before the show and said she noticed the similarities right away. I am so, so thankful for this relationship. I wonder if other moms and daughters are lucky enough to have what we do. My guess is that most people don't. I mean, there are probably moms and daughters who are just as alike, but they probably don't appreciate it because they've known each other their whole lives, so they probably just get on each other's nerves. Sometimes I wonder what things would have been like if I had grown up with my birthmom. Would we have been like Gilmore Girls? We are close enough in age and joke around the same way they do. Or would we have made each other crazy, because we're so alike and I was a punk when I was a teenager? I'm leaning towards the latter. I think we appreciate each other more because we didn't know each other for 19 years.

Anyway, the concert was super fun. Since I was really drunk, I danced a lot and probably made a complete fool of myself. But, whatever. It was a good time. And Sarah and Nancy were drunk, too.

I would just like to say that I am so grateful for my recent frienship with these two girls. I have such a great time with them. They crack me up, and they are always up for adventure. Most of my friends are high school or college friends; I feel like Sarah and Nancy are the friends of my adulthood. We became friends based on what we have in common now, not what we had in common when we were younger.

I didn't get to bed till like, 4:30 Saturday morning. I spent Saturday afternoon in baby shower hell. Jen, I love you dearly, but I hate showers of any kind. I'm sure I will hate my own showers someday. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to bypass all that and just get the gifts. At least there was only one game and Jen's shower, and it was relatively harmless- guess the size of Jen's stomach. And I got to hang out with Jen's grandma, which was cool. So it really wasn't as bad as it could have been; just loooong. When I left at 5:30, the party was still going strong. But it's nice to see how many people love and support Jen.

Saturday night was the usual dancing at DC's. Faye and I had a blast, as usual. Not much else to say about that.

Sunday I woke up feeling guilty about not going to church. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've been in the past year. I feel awful about this, but I just can't find the right church for me in the city. I know, I should probably look harder. But on Sunday, I decided to drive up to Mars Hill (Rob Bell's church in Grand Rapids). Nancy was nice enough to come along and keep me company, so the three hour drive just flew by. And the service was great. Rob Bell has the summer off, but Ed and Kent Dobson were there, and they preached about illness and examples in the Gospels of Jesus healing the sick. Ed Dobson is really credible since he's had ALS for almost 9 years. So it was pretty powerful to hear him talk about his faith throughout his illness. He made some really great points. I think that anyone who is suffering from an illness or is close to someone who is suffering should hear his talk. The podcast is on iTunes, or you can get it here: The talk was called "Jesus, the wonder-working sideshow."

So that's about it for my weekend. Things have been pretty quiet now so far this week. Yesterday I did laundry and ran errands. (I had to go to 6 places before I found the issue of Entertainment Weekly with Twilight on the cover!) Nina came over last night and we watched My Boys and Pride and Prejudice and attempted (unsuccessfully) to contact my birthfather. She didn't go home till like, 3, and I didn't go to bed until 6 (I wanted to finish the book I was reading), so I slept until noon and now I'm still tired and feel yucky from staying up so late and it's 1:30 and I'm still in my pajamas and I'm not really sure what I should do with myself today. Hmm, maybe the beach...


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