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Dating the City

There's this episode in season 5 of Sex and the City where Carrie decides to date the city. I have decided to do just that. Friday night I went to Millenium Park to hear Grieg's Piano Concerto which was amazing. It makes me so happy to lay on my back under all those criss-crossy beams, surrounded by skyscrapers, listening to some of the best music ever written. The pianist also performed Moonlight Sonata, which I had no idea was so involved; apparently I've only heard the watered-down version. After the concert, I walked around barefoot, because the grass in Millenium Park (at least that area) is the best in the city. Then I went and got my feet wet in the fountain, the one with the faces (I forgot what it's called). Instead of taking the el home, I walked the 14 blocks to where my car was parked at Roosevelt and State. The walk went by quickly since I was listening to new music on my iPod, including "Come on Get Higher" by Sugarland (so erotic without being distasteful) and "Build Me Up" by Rhymefest (so catchy; I can't help dancing to this one). It was such a beautiful, perfect night, and I had a delightful time by myself.

I was about to go to bed around midnight when a friend called and had just had her heart broken by this guy who, in my opinion, is a huge jerk. (Sorry, N. But he shouldn't have treated you like that, even if he does apologize later.) So we went out to Skylark (where I really need to learn to dress like a hipster so I'll fit in), and then went to Pick Me Up Cafe for cheese fries. I love that place. And I saw on the menu that they have vegan rice krispy treats- I must go back and try one soon! We watched all the drunk people stumble around after the bars closed, and I realized I do NOT want to be one of those people again. I don't get like that very often, but it was so unattractive.

I was exhausted on Saturday from being out till 4, so all I did was read romance novels and do a bit of planning for my classroom. And nap.

Saturday night was my friend Stephanie's birthday party. We started out at People in Wicker Park. It's a tapas and Sangria place. It was sooooo good- I want to go back really soon! Then we went over to Salud, which everyone raves about, and it was all right. It was a good margarita, but it wasn't anything spectacular. Then we went to Debonair, a place I'm not too fond of. I've been there twice now, and it's just not my scene. Throughout the evening, I'd made friends with Steph's friend, Ali. She was giving me lessons on how to pull off the hipster look so I can fit in in my neighborhood. She's a really cool girl and we had a lot to talk about. I decided to head out kind of early (a little before two), and Ali said she'd get a ride with me back to her place to get some more cash. As we left, I told her how bad I wanted a cigarette (since I haven't been buying any since I'm not a smoker!). We saw some guys she knew across the street, and they gave me a cigarette, and we started talking, and one of them works at People and was telling me how I have great energy and guessed that I was a Pisces, and they were going to the Flat Iron, and they insisted that I stay for just one drink. So I went with them and liked Flat Iron so much better than Debonair. It was not too crowded and not too loud. And like, 5 minutes after we got there, this really cute guy started talking to me. Sadly, he was just visiting from Dallas, but we had a nice conversation.

As I was talking to the nice guy, another guy caught my eye and came over and introduced himself. He turned out to be kind of a creeper. He just wanted to go home with me, and I kept saying, "not tonight." But he was so persistent! He kissed me, and it was like he just stuck his tongue down my throat. Eew. But he wasn't bad looking, and I was just enjoying flirting, so I let him talk to me for a while. Then, when I needed saving, Ali came over and put her arm around me and said we'd been lovers for 4 years. It was great; I think he totally believed us. He left us alone for a while, but eventually came back, and that's when I decided it was time to go.

So I didn't get home till after 5 this morning, and just woke up at 12:30 and feel disgusting. I hate the day after staying out late. I was going to go out to my parents' house and lay out by their pool today, but I don't think that's happening. I'll be lucky if I make it out there in time for my 5:00 plans with my friend Sarah.

Oh, one more thing that's happening- we got our teaching assignments yesterday. Mine is the same, which is a little disappointing. I really want to go to the middle school and just teach one subject. But Michelle, my friend/big sister/coworker says I should spend one more year working on classroom management before I try that. But I'm so sad- one of the sixth grade teachers is on a leave of absence, and my friend Chad (the only male teacher at our school) is being transferred to another school. I don't know about everyone else yet, but I'm not happy with these changes. Lunch time will be completely different. We used to have such a good time, but now 2 out of the 4 of us are gone.

I actually have an idea that I'm considering. Usually, right after school starts, there are still a few postings for positions that need to be filled, and they are usually at the middle school. Maybe I'll apply for one of those. I really want to teach just one subject and be really good at it. And it would be so nice to be on middle school time instead of elementary school. But this is something I'll have to think about more.


Anonymous said…
it seems that you had a great weekend. why do you not like debonair?!

oooh my tapas. sangria. yum.

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