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Well, I am definitely not excited about being “in my 30’s,” but my birthday was lovely.

I celebrated Saturday night with a trip to DC’s.  It felt so good to dance!  I was hoping to get in for free since apparently, I am the face of DC’s.  But no such luck.  That’s all right, we had a blast.  I loved that my girlfriends were brave about trying the dances.  There were two moments that really made me laugh that night:

Nina texted and said, “We’re here.” I met her at the entrance less than a minute later.  She already had a drink in her hand.  The first thing she did upon walking in was hit the bar.  This is a testament to our friendship; there is absolutely nothing Nina enjoys about this place, but she’ll come here anyway if it’s for my birthday. 

Leisa was asking me about how I found the place, how long I’d been going there,etc.  Then she said to me, “Erin B. (she always calls me by my full name), you fascinate me. I feel like I keep discovering these facets of your life, and none of them fit together or make sense.”  This made me laugh. 

The only thing that put a damper on the fun was receiving a text from Bernie saying that he’s rafting the Colorado River.  Given my state of intoxication, I should not have responded.  I also should not have sent an emotional Facebook message.  (I tried to edit it!  I really did!  But Nancy still buried her head in her hands when I told her.  What I had to say was important, but I really really wish I could take back that message!)  I just miss him and am pretty sure that things aren’t going to work out.  I wouldn’t mind him traveling, but I also need to know I can count on him.  Maybe he’ll surprise me and show up for spring break.  I really, really hope so. 

My actual birthday was a nice day.  I got to sleep in (thank you, Casimir Pulaski, for the day off!), then met Nancy for a lunch that lasted almost three hours.  We just can’t stop talking.  Even the three hours wasn’t even time.  I just love this girl so much!  I got phone calls from a few of my favorite friends (but not the one person I was hoping to hear from most- he was probably scared off by Emo Erin; I don’t blame him), and went to Margie’s with my sweet, funny, intelligent neighbors, Todd and Veronica.  Margie’s gave me a free bag of chocolates for my birthday, which was pretty exciting.

I ended the day with a birthday tradition- watching Season4, Episode 1 of Sex and the City.  I realized I’ve been doing this for about nine years; kind of crazy!  But I love everything about this episode (well, except Samantha’s whole crush on the priest), and it’s always a great way to end my day.


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