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I want to DO something

I have this problem where I don't watch sad/upsetting movies. My friends tease me and we joke about it, but it's not because I'm shallow and don't want to watch anything with substance. It's because those movies affect me too much. The images and ideas stick with me for a long time. There's enough sad stuff in the real world; I don't want to see it for entertainment.

I do the ostrich thing in real life, too. I bury my head in the sand and try to ignore all the bad stuff going on. It's not that I don't care. The problem is that I care too much. I know there's all this really bad stuff going on in the world, and I feel like there's nothing I can do, so I don't even want to know. My main source of news, until recently, has been Comedy Central. And while I would argue that Jon Stewart is a valid source, it's obviously not enough.

I downloaded the Huffington Post app on iTunes a few weeks ago, and I almost wish I hadn't. I feel overwhelmed. The economy, the environment, human rights in China, sex trafficking in India... it's too much. I don't know what to do.

I try to do good in my own little sphere. But what can I do about fracking, or the other big issues facing our society? It seems to me like my options are donating money (which I don't have), volunteering (which I don't have a lot of time for on a regular basis, and try to justify by saying that all the time I spend on work stuff should count towards that), or writing letters/signing petitions. The last one is easy, and something I have done (not enough), and will continue to do more often. But it just doesn't feel like enough. I'm not powerful enough to go up against big corporations and politicians. And what about stuff that's happening in other countries? How am I supposed to change the human rights situation in China?

I know I'm not alone. I was inspired by this article, and was happy to know that others feel the same way. We want change. We want a system that isn't so corrupt. Even though I may disagree with others about what that change should be, I think we can all agree that Washington is seriously messed up. But I'm not in a position to do anything about that. Yes, I vote. But it's not like any of the options are really fantastic. We thought Obama would bring reform, and the lobbyists and corruption got to him, too.

And while I know I'm not alone, I don't think enough people are with me on this, either. I think our society is too comfortable/apathetic to really do what's necessary to take on corporations and politicians. For example, if we don't like the way a corporation is doing something, we should boycott the product, right? But that's difficult and inconvenient, and I guess I just don't have enough faith in my peers that we would actually follow through with something like that.

Reading the news just gives me this overwhelming sense of despair. I'll try to be better about writing more letters and making my voice heard, but I want to do more. I just have no idea what.


Whitney said…
I'm proud of you for starting to read more news even though it's really tough to stomach. It is really hard to see all the problems in the world and feel summarily unqualified to make a difference. But I think one thing that may help is realizing that you really can't do everything and you may not be able to make a big impact on your own, but that it's still worthwhile to live in a way that is supportive rather than exploitative of other people in whatever ways I can. Change what you can, and don't try to change everything at once. Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't do it all, and don't let it stop you from trying. I think even your choice of work and the dedication that you show to it is a sign that you want to make the world a better place, so I don't think you need to worry about not spending enough time and energy. And your impact is probably bigger than you think...all of the kids you impact are likely to impact others in turn...these things have big ripple effects.

It's also kind of crazy to think about this stuff while I'm in Mumbai and extreme poverty is's hard to know how to react because it's so appalling but I don't feel like I really understand how the system works here that keeps people in such conditions.
Anonymous said…
Agreed. I occilate all the time between wanting to be a good citizen and informed, and then getting way too overwhelmed by everything and being forced to quit for a while until I feel guilty and start up again.

I agree with you on trying to only spend our money on corporations that we support. I obviously can't do extensive research on every single product I buy but I try to do it as much as possible because it helps me sleep at night to know I'm doing something, but I really doubt that will do any good either just because there aren't enough of us that believe the same things to make a difference. People on the left will only buy from certain companies and people on the right will only buy from all the others. Look at history, the religious right has been doing this for years and if it worked all the companies they hate so much like Disney and Halmark would be out of business right now.

I've basically come to the conclusion that even if we do all the work we can it's more or less impossible to make a difference.

Sorry if my pessimism didn't help you... your post struck a cord because I am SO THERE.

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