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Fort McHenry, Hampton

Let me start out by saying that I experienced terror on my way to Fort McHenry. I hate bridges, and I had to take this huge one over Chesapeake Bay. It just went on and on, and I could feel my palms getting sweaty, and I could visualize my hands slipping and losing control of the car and plunging over the side to my death. OR, I imagined someone slamming on their brakes for some reason, and someone crashing into me and that would send my car flying off the side. OR, I imagined that this would be the moment when terrorists would blow it up. It has to be a likely terrorist target, and with Trump pissing off EVERYONE... anyway, I was just glad to make it off the bridge alive. 

Fort McHenry was an unexpected delight. I usually don’t like forts because they’re always the same old thing, but this one was obviously different because this is where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write our national anthem during the War of 1812. They had an interactive museum, where I enjoyed learning about some of the phrases he used. (Although of course I can’t remember any of it now.) 

At every park, they have a video. Some are better than others. I think the Valley Forge one was filmed in the 1970’s, whereas the one at Minute Man was full of special effects. Today’s was excellent. They did a great job of explaining this battle in a way that got us all emotionally engaged. (Or maybe it was just me and my hormones at this time of month.) They painted a vivid picture of how scared the men at the fort must have been, with the strongest navy in the world headed their way. And how the people of Baltimore watched out their windows and from the rooftops, wondering if they were going to have to run for their lives if the British assault was successful. The next morning, Francis Scott Key was aboard a ship, looking through his binoculars, waiting for the smoke to clear, when he suddenly yells that it’s our flag, that our army prevailed and Baltimore was safe. And when the people in the video cheered, people in our audience cheered, and then they started playing “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the screen rose to reveal the flag waving outside the window. There was a sign that said, “Please stand,” so everyone stood up and sang along. It was pretty cool! 

Even though there was a part of me that wondered if all these people who were so excited about the flag were Trump supporters. I hate how Republicans act like they have a monopoly on patriotism.

(Sorry. Hormones.)

Anyway, I looked around the fort and then sang part of the national anthem because how could I not? Even though my voice isn’t back after being sick. And people were totally staring. I’ll never see those people again, right? 

(That flag was huge!)

I also visited Hampton NHS today, but I don’t have much to say about it. It was an old plantation, but I got there too late for the last tour and they didn’t have much information posted around the grounds. Also, it was 91 degrees and humid, so I didn’t really feel like walking around. 

Probably the most interesting thing about this site was the man who was sitting in a camp chair, playing a recorder. I really want to know what his story was...

Tonight I’m at a really interesting Air BnB in Philadelphia. It’s kind of fun to be in a big city. The streets are super narrow, and people just throw garbage bags out on their sidewalks. If I tried that in SLC, not only would they refuse to pick it up, but I’d get a nasty-gram from the city. But I’ve heard New York is like this, too, which is why people always say that Chicago is such a clean city. Tomorrow I’ll get a pic of the house I’m in. But check out the kitchen! A swing at the table and a sloth??? I am dying to meet the guy who lives here. He’s really cute in his pic. But sadly, it’s 10:00 and he’s still not home... hopefully I’ll see him tomorrow. I don’t think I could ever be an Air BnB host... it would be so strange to just let strangers into your house when you’re not even there. What if I was a criminal? The hosts always leave reviews about the guests, and no one’s ever said anything bad about me, but I’m still new to this, so it’s not like I’ve had a ton of reviews. Anyway, here’s the kitchen!


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