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I started off the day at the New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park, but I didn’t last long, because spoiler alert- THE WHALES DIE. Whenever I get to a historic site that I don’t know much about, my first stop is the informative film to get an overview of the topic. So I’m sitting there watching, enjoying the movie, thinking about life on a ship and learning fun facts like: these voyages lasted 3-4 years, most guys didn’t sign up for a second one, but it was a great place for enslaved people who’d escaped to hide out and make some money. And then, all of a sudden, they spot a whale. And they get the HARPOON. And I was like, “peace out.” One of the rangers caught me leaving early, and we had a nice conversation about how the park service does a great job of telling even the unpleasant parts of our country’s history, but I still got out of there quickly. 

I was so excited for my afternoon activity- the mansions of Newport! This is not a park site, just something I wanted to see. I would highly recommend these tours! They were self-guided audio tours, which I love because you can go at your own pace. In each room, they give you the option of choosing to listen to additional info, or just moving on. 

I chose to visit two mansions. The first is the most famous- The Breakers, which was the Vanderbilt family home.

I couldn’t believe how every little detail had significance. I also felt there were just a few too many of these details. These rooms were way too busy for my taste! But that ballroom... I sure would love to attend a party there. I learned on the tour that the little kids in the family would ride their tricycles around there. 

These last two pictures are from the same room. It’s hard to tell in this lighting, but those tall panels with the Greek goddesses are silver in color. Historians always thought they were made of actual silver, but recent testing made them realize it’s actually platinum. No big deal. 

I’m in love with this piano!

The tubs had four faucets so you could choose fresh water or salt water from the nearby ocean.

I like that piece of furniture... not sure what it’s called.

Looking down at the entryway. 

My favorite bedroom. It was the plainest, but still a little fancy, and I love that shade of green. 

The stairs were actually made two inches shorter than normal stairs so the ladies wouldn’t trip over their ball gowns. 

There were 20 bedrooms upstairs for the servants. 

Loved this kitchen!

The only picture I took at Rosecliffe, the other home I visited. (I just love the ballrooms.) Sad story about Tessie, the original owner. She threw amazing parties, but when this society started to decline, she became mentally ill. She kept entertaining imaginary people- showing them into the ballroom, talking to them at dinner... she died at the age of 57. 

I finished my day at the Newport Creamery, recommended to me by my friend Rachel. The chocolate soda did not disappoint!


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